How to Maximize Income from a Mortgage Helper Suite

Posted by Steve Harmer on Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 at 1:08pm.

Need to use the rental suite income of a home to qualify for a big enough mortgage? Here’s how to maximize the mortgage

Basement Revenue SuiteHow much of a mortgage do you qualify for? You went to your bank and they told you $xxx,xxx – are they right? Your dream house costs a bit more, so is there any way to get the extra funds? If the property has a rental suite, and you have a good mortgage broker on your side, the answer is likely “yes”.

We have all heard the term “mortgage helper”. In fact, 25 per cent of detached houses in BC contain a rental suite and this rises to almost 40 per cent in the Lower Mainland. In Vancouver alone there are 26,600 rental suites (out of about 47,000 detached homes), and this accounts for roughly 20 per cent of all the rental stock in the city. So how is the rental income helping people qualify for mortgages – and how could it be helping even more?

WHat banks say..Let us first examine how you qualify for a mortgage. In an attempt to lessen the average Canadian’s household debt, the federal government has legislated the amount Canadians can spend on mortgages. By law you can use no more than 32 per cent of your income to pay your monthly mortgage payment, property tax, strata fees (if applicable) and home heating costs. If you have exceptional credit, and a good mortgage broker to negotiate on your behalf, some lenders will let you go as high as using 39 per cent of your income.

Most banks, the vast majority, will take 50 per cent of a property’s rental income and add it to your employment income. This means if you make, as a simple example, $50,000 a year, and the property’s rental brings in $1,000 a month (or $12,000 a year) in rental income, your bank will increase your annual income to $56,000. This increase does little to raise the amount of home you can afford.


Let me show you with some basic math:

Rental IncomeNow examine the same scenario when your mortgage broker has found you a lender who is prepared to use an 80 per cent “rental offset” system. Your income remains at $50,000 a year, and 32 per cent of that is still $16,000 a year, $1,333 a month, to make your mortgage payment, pay your property tax and heat the home.

By finding a lender who offers a rental offset strategy to recognizing rental income, you have gone from a $255,000 mortgage to $400,000 without earning a dime more. And remember that I have just used basic figures to illustrate my point – you should be able apply the same increase to your mortgage qualification whatever the numbers that you are looking at. Go to a qualified mortgage broker and they will be able to tell you how much you can afford.

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