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Cory McKinnon

<pFinancial Planning - KamloopsKamloops is our home, we were all born and raised here in the Thompson Valley. Our Kamloops roots stretch back to the 1800’s apparently here in the West, that’s a real long time! Being from Kamloops doesn’t limit our reach, BC has 8 regions (can you name them?) we have clients in all eight of those regions and the Province of Alberta which also has 8 regions (if you can name those 8 you are either a Geography teacher or just weird!).

Our clients refer their family and friends to our practice so it doesn’t take long to spread out geographically. On average our clients refer about 8 other potential clients to us.

Everyone has come to us for a specific reason(s):

  1. They are thinking about retirement
  2. They are planning and saving for retirement
  3. They are waiting for retirement
  4. They are praying for retirement to come (we do provide an Alter for this activity in our waiting room)
  5. They are trying to delay retirement
  6. They are panicking about retirement
  7. They are working in retirement
  8. They are trying to get out of retirement
  9. Or they are dead

We can help with the first 8 of the reasons on the list and each one brings a different set of circumstances and challenges that require unique discussion and solutions. We are not really good with item #9 we don’t have many solutions for that, but if you are interested or worried about this refer back to item #4 you are welcome to use our Alter.

Do you see a pattern here? It is all 8’s and that’s on purpose because if we had three 6’s that would just be awkward.

If any of this retirement banter is a concern to you we are likely a good match, as we see it you have 2 options - search retirement planning on Google and read all 8 million results. Or if you don’t have that kind of time, stop in and see us we are pretty creative and really, really GOOD at what we do, we Create Amazing Retirements.

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