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Cates Ford Oien Epp - Morgan Elander

  • Address #300 - 272 Victoria Street, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2A2
  • Phone # (250) 372-8811
  • Secondary Phone # (250) 374-3456
  • Fax # (250) 828-6697

Morgan Elander - Kamloops LawyerCates Ford Oien Epp currently employs nine lawyers, an articled student, 15 support staff and expects to expand further.

Cates Ford Oien Epp is a Kamloops-based law firm with expertise in personal injury, wills and estates, family law, civil litigation, criminal defence, business law and real estate law for Kamloops and surrounding area residents.

Morgan Elander - Lawyer

Morgan Elander graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from the University of British Columbia in 2013. He also earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Alberta in 2007. Morgan joined our firm directly out of law school and immediately warmed to the Kamloops community and climate.

Morgan is passionate about advocating in the best interests of his clients and providing them with sound and responsive legal advice.

When not in the office or volunteering within the community, Morgan enjoys hiking, fishing, travelling and spending time with his wife and daughter. Morgan also speaks Japanese proficiently.

Phone: (250) 372-8811 or (250) 374-3456
Fax: (250) 828-6697 or (250) 828-6808
Toll Free: 1-800-949-3362 (BC Only)
Email: info@cfoelaw.com

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