August 2018

Found 5 blog entries for August 2018.

BC real estate newsFact or fiction in BC Real Estate.

The industry has been booming for well a while now. Low inventory has created bidding wars and fixer-uppers in some major cities are hitting seven figures. So how do you keep your head amid the frenzy? How can you wade through all the clutter and the chatter to suss out the info you need to make wise decisions?

How to interview your Realtor CLICK HERE

Well, you always have us in your back pocket. In the meantime lets look at some of the common misconceptions that we have all heard in real estate transactions.

Kamloops Real Estate#1: Question: Real estate contracts are standardized so just sign the paperwork and work out the details later.

Answer. Not on your life,. Each real estate contract is as unique as the pink and black

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Kamloops Credit reportWe have collected information from both of the consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus), as well as our own research to provide a full picture on credit files and credit scores, including those little known “insider” secrets.

If you are looking to buy a home soon then make sure you know your credit score and how to improve or question the details that are held on file.

What information is kept in my credit file?

Your credit file contains information on all of your credit accounts submitted to the credit bureaus, including balances, limits, payment history, etc, as well as identification information such as your name, address, age, social insurance number, marital status, spouse’s name and age, number of dependents, occupation, and employment

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Kamloops seniors livin at homeEighty-eight percent of people 65 and older wish to age in place, according to an AARP survey.

For many people, this will involve staying in the home in which they have been living for many years. For others, it may be necessary to move into a new senior-ready home. Either way, this will probably involve some work as you strive to create an environment that allows you to live comfortably and independently.

Buying vs. Renovating

Many people’s current house may not be ideally suited to their needs as a senior citizen. Some people may live in old family homes that have become too large for their needs, while some have layouts that are not designed for the comfort of elderly people. For instance, according to Forbes, 60 percent of homes occupied by

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Fact or fictionYou will often here real estate agents say your first offer is usually your best offer.  Now is this really a cliche or is it fact?

As a real estate agent, I can tell you this statement is mostly true.  It is not just a cliche and I am going to go into why “your first offer is usually your best offer” is often correct.

All to often sellers will be very adamant when a listing first comes on the market.  Activity is good and the home seller is feeling confident. Go back to when your agent gave you pricing on your home.  A real estate agent will give a range a home is worth.  It is just human nature that a home seller only remembers the high side of the range and automatically lists at that price or even a little higher. 

In no way I am suggesting

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Sellers or buyers market in kamloopsWhether you are thinking of buying or selling a home in Kamloops, understanding the current market is crucial.

You need to know if you’re in a buyers’ market or a sellers’ market because that’s going to affect how your property is marketed and how much money you’re going to get for your home. If you understand the market, that will tell you what your home is worth and what you can expect if you’re a seller. If you’re a buyer, it is going to tell you what the appropriately priced offer on the property would be.

If you are looking to sell or buy in Kamloops then why not have a read and see our tips or buyers and sellers

Currently in Kamloops (July 2018) we are in a seller’s market. In a seller’s market, you’re much better off listing your property

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