Tagged : cmhc survey

Found 12 blog entries tagged as "cmhc survey".

“This house is lovely, I’m going to buy this!” one buyer decides within 5 minutes of viewing the property. Sounds crazy? Believe it, it does happen.

It is easy to fall in love with a property within few moments of seeing it and buyers forget to be objective. A home is one of the biggest purchase people make, do not make a decision on a spur of the moment you will likely regret in the end.

When viewing a home, it is recommended to spend more time viewing every nook and cranny of the property. So many spend so little time viewing a house and they live to regret it. After buying the house, buyers experience one problem after another – anything from dodgy wiring to noisy neighbors – which could have been avoided had they spent more time researching the

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Decluttering is the first step in staging a home for sale, but what to do with all those unwanted items? Tina Parker has a great solution and how to execute it.

 We all know that when you’re selling up, decluttering is a key part of staging your home for sale. But after you have decluttered and come up with storage solutions, you will need to get rid of everything you have decided to part with. A good way to use this to your advantage is to have a yard sale.

In order to have a successful yard sale, you will need to apply the four Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion. So you must know your products, set appropriate prices, find a place that will showcase your items, and promote your sale properly.


Be organized and make

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